Saturday, November 28, 2009

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

hi, im a 16 year old male with medium hair, every time i get out of the shower and dry off, my hair gets staticy, and frizzy, sorta sticks up and such. so i sort of avoid washing my hair so it keeps down. is there anyway i can take a shower and have hair that isnt frizzy and such.

All the best and thanks.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

Try using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner like Pantene Classical Clean and afterward, apply a small amount (about the size of a quarter) of John Frieda's Frizz Ease or some Frizz buster in the palm of your hair and rub it all over. If you're looking for a at-home remedy, Olive oil works the best. (it's healthy and it seals your ends)

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

try gel it should work, but just a little

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

have you tried conditioner? it sounds like your hair is just dry.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

you could use a gel afterwards..i use this "FX" gel that goes on light and apply to the ends of my hair. it leaves it feeling soft, smelling good, and best of all doesn't get all flaky when it dries.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

Use a little (not a lot, to make it greasy...) but just a tiny dot of VO-5. Put it on BEFORE you towel your hair dry (while it's still dripping) and massage it through, then towel dry. I use this for my hair when the weather's like it is out right now, dry and freezing.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

Hey do you use conditioner? That would proabably help so it will lay down more. Also, you can look for a product. maybe try Bed Head Heat Cream, if you put that on and then run the blowdryer through it it'll help.

Hope this works for you! GL!

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

First of all, use conditioner. Second of all, you shouldn't wash your hair every day anyway. Every other day is fine, and it lets the natural oils in your scalp reach the ends of your hair so that it will be less frizzy. Lastly, use an anti-frizz product on your hair. A dime-sized dollop on your palm worked through wet hair while avoiding the roots should make any last staticy bits sit and stay.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

get or mousse.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

Are you using conditioner? You could use some anti frizz stuff that you get at a hair salon or even walmart.

Frizzy staticy hair after a shower?

Real Hair Solutions for Frizzy Hair

Static hair - solutions

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